Chapter #1/Page 3: Angel of Sparta

“Ah… Such a pretty little girl. Your eyes are like the color of almonds, shine like golden brown, underneath the sun.”

“You are very beautiful too. Your husband is blessed to have you,” she smiles at her.

Persephone eyes looked away, expressed a slight scowl towards him, then her eyes rolled- sighs deeply,

“No my little one… I was cursed to have him.”

“Is he that horrid looking one?” She pointed her finger at him.

Her slight laughter from under her breath- then stopped… folded her arms.

“Yes. You guessed sooner…”

On their way to the Underworld, Hades walks ahead of them, Movtos remains hooded, as Persephone… Walking through the dark cave, she looks around… After arriving in the Underworld, they continued with their previous conversation…

“So little Movtos, how did you figure it out?” She asked the girl.

“I had a dream,” she looked in wonder, her eyes glittered in the light of the fire, “… that a man was on fire…”

Relieved, she responded, “I see that you are not phased about being here.”

“Even this was in my dream… I still do get scared.” as the little girl worried.

Chapter #1/Page 2: Angel of Sparta

Persephone smiles at the little girl…

“Don’t worry child, I do not bite.” Athena looks concerned…

“Watched yourself Persephone. You were that little girl.”

Persephone quickly rose from her seat, “You think you are so high and mighty?” She shouted

“Calm down you too…” Hades voice sounded calm, but the tone of his voice described how annoyed he was at the moment.

They turned away from each other, quite disgusted.

“Persephone, take her with you. Make sure she’s taken care of,” Zeus instructed her.

Movtos is worried, clinging to Daimien’s cloak…

“Don’t worry my beautiful little sister. Everything’s going to be alright.” He smiled at her.

“Just remember to keep your eyes open and let us know anything that concerns you,” Rasheed said in a bold way, observing them…

She looks to them, and nodded…

Rasheed guided her to the waiting Persephone, who stepped down to greet her, kneels down.

God of War journal entry #1 7/24/17 – 7/27/17

*(Thank you so much for understanding. I been through many things in life, that’s why I haven’t been typing in so long. Now, with very eager observants- I decided to release it. Much will not be told because it relates to the upcoming God of War. I did edited her name out. That will be revealed in the future. I will post more entries if you like, I appreciate your feedback).


I didn’t want to allow them to have that love making scene earlier. Do you know why? (Second wife) did have sexual relations with other men and not yet Kratos, whom were involved with sensually. That was my original thought. The conflict has got me so confused. So I decided to write about their first time together in bed, for over the last two weeks. It will happen before that tragic moment, with her being eighteen at the time. I am currently writing it. I lost my pen and need to find it.


I found the pen in my bookbag. As soon my little one goes to sleep, I can write.




Feeling paralyzed and unable to move out of the bed, he felt helpless, looking up to the ceiling- out of breath.




She knew who he was before being entitled the Ghost of Sparta. That is why she is not thrown off by his white ash covered skin, she always loved him despite his past with women, which she hates.



Becoming the Warrior.

and if anyone speculating that I think Kratos is the Norse God, that not what I meant. It’s doesn’t happen yet. By this story, he has to find and kill him or he will be killed. You kill that Thor-looking motherfucker, he will become the Norse God. You just don’t pluck the son of the Norse God out of HIS rule. Once Kratos killed his father Zeus, and you took HIS son, He’s coming after YOU, HIS WIFE, and Atreus BIRTHMOTHER. The Olympian and Norse God sorta had a peace treaty until Zeus was killed by his son. Then within a few years later, the mother didn’t want him anymore and left him, taking Atreus with her. She got tired of his corrupted ways of power, for most of Atreus life. the Norse God was not having that- either you STAY here OR DIE. She took the risk of doing that. The person that knew his mother close, sensed her trouble like before. Kratos took part of fighting him and his guards off, The wife had the chance to go past every guard and retrieve the boy, and the mother was at the time arguing and fighting with the Norse God. Kratos and the wife stepped in on time, Kratos fought both the Norse God and his faculty staff, while the wife hid them somewhere in the hidden place for a short time, Because they was not going to stop killing anyone who got in the way of him and his son. The Norse God hates Kratos and is every jealous of him, because Atreus admires the Spartan Warrior greatly. Oh and not to mention, you copied the style and the power similar to his hammer? He IS PISSED. The BIRTHMOTHER handed custody over to the sudden NEW MOTHER (with Kratos being a father for the second time) with those last 3 – 5 minutes, the deal was done. The wife immediately had to escape with the boy- Kratos has to make it just in time to catch up with his wife and the boy so he can fight off anyone in the way, their escape can succeed. the BIRTHMOTHER had to fake her death so the Norse God won’t come looking for her. She is able to be free at the moment and prepare. The Norse God finds her alive at the same time at the beginning of this chapter. at the beginning of this chapter, before Kratos and Atreus walked into that camping ground fighting those undead Vikings. The birthmother was watching them at certain times whenever she could, but not much from being detected. While the Kratos and the wife transported Atreus between locations to protect him. Kratos prevented the boy from fighting, from the beginning of his guardianship until a few months ago. Atreus was involved in a incident that caused the scar on his face, Kratos then had a episode (still recovering) that followed. Atreus great admiration caused him. I can’t answer for the wife. She’s no goddess, she did what she can to put that man back on his feet. His son represents Calliope. But don’t take my theories with a grain of salt. It’s only for those who really know.